Final Layout as it is today - 2022-08-03. Drawn in AutoCAD.
Details of Layout:
- Red Track is the Down Track
- Green Track is the Up Track
- Black Tracks are Sidings, Yards etc
The overall appearance is courtesy of a friend in Sydney, Jim Hughes, who had a similar shaped layout to this while the actual design differs to show my tastes.
I have incorporated my version of Bomaderry (Nowra), this is where my love of trains commenced as mentioned earlier. This is the area at the front of the layout on a higher level.
To the left is a representation of Penrith. Track layout is very similar to the immediate station limits of Penrith, however, actual buildings at this point in time are generic. There is a Locomotive Depot called Delec to the right of Penrith and an Electric Train Depot near to back of the Train Room called Punchbowl with Clydeburn Station and Yard in front of this.
To the right at the back is a generic Station and in the middle is a Container Terminal.
I guess I have made the rookie Model Railway modeller mistake of trying to fit as much track as possible, oh well, I like what I have.
If I had my time over, I would do things a whole lot different.