Saturday, 25 April 2020


The layout was designed using sketches and AutoCAD to draw up the final layout.
Requirements considered were:
  • stations and their locations
  • yards and yard working
  • train storage, i.e. yards, sidings and sheds
  • passing loops
  • reversing capabilities
  • landscaping
  • techniquies
 The first consideration was track layout. So, what bench work could I fit that allows for maximum layout as well as being able to view and move about the shed. To be honest, the general bench layout has come courtesy of a fellow modeller in Sydney. Que do's to Jim.

So, first consideration was height of benchwork. After careful consideration and viewing many layouts both private and exhibition and determined that a height somewhere between 1100mm to 1200mm high. Therefore my layout ended up being a height of 1165mm.
I used 75mm x 35mm pine framing timber (which I have realised is way overkill - the Shed will blow away before the benches).
On top of the framing I attached 3000mm x 915mm x 15mm MDF paneling.

                                                    Bench Framing. 18-09-2011

                                         Benchwork with top attached. 18-09-2011

                                               Overall Benchwork. 16-10-2011

                               Benchwork showing where Bomaderry will be. 05-11-2011

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